The most attraction on the tour is to see the tattooed faces Chin women. Elder women tattooed on their face as their traditional decoration and beauty but not in the new generation.

It is the ideal excursion trekking programs to explore the authentic nature and culture of Chin highland tribes especially for the tourists who want to explore new exotic places where tourists have never been and rarely visited.
In that area, there are 4 different Chin tribes who live on the mountains with their own culture and ethical customs. Most of them are animists and still believe and rely on their shamans. Their private worship festivals for their nats or spirits are the highlight of this tour.

Some dwellers in the ancient villages have been living there since last one century and kept remaining in their own traditional way of life. Their traditional costumes are simple but colorful. Their folk-dancing are very different from others in the country.
The most attraction on the tour is to see the tattooed faces Chin women. Elder women tattooed on their face as their traditional decoration and beauty but not in the new generation. Being hunting as the Chin national pastimes, you can see various skulls of animals proudly hanging on walls of their house.

All of the villages on this tour are on the hillside and valley of the Chin mountain range. The atmosphere there resembles the climate of Switzerland. It will be between 10’ C to – 4 ‘C. Of the small towns in Chin State, Kanpalet and Mindut, where are visited by tourists for its picturesque beautiful scenery and fine weather, are the main gate ways for Chin discovery program.
One of the most scenic areas in the region, Mount Victoria is the highest mountain in the Chin State. Travelers take the quick way up via jeep and relax at Aye Village 5,800 feet above sea level.
Very nice place to visit
I love trekking
I wanna go ti chin state. I love travelling. Our country is natural country.I love my country more than I can say.
I wanna go to Chin State. Our country is natural county. I love my country more than I can say.Hope. Our victory is coming. soon.
I want to visit Chin state at least once, I want to go my Grandfather’s hometown once, but now my grandfather is gone. I thought it would be perfect for a beautiful mountain flower, a songbird and a freezing climate.
I pray ‘May his soul rest in peace in heaven’.
I love chinland.
I hear the cause of tattoo on face that “Chin legend has it that when a Burmese king travelled to the region, he was so impressed by the women’s beauty that he kidnapped one to take as a bride”. It is true or false.☺️☺️
Thanks ❤️
Our Land
Our ancestor’s heritages
May equal for all of us.
I love it