HTTP is a pull technology. Pull Technology is the communication between client and server Sometimes the client is the first to arrive at the communication technology. Server Client It’s only a matter of time before we get to the bottom of this. Keep the server at Pull Technology. There is no prelude to a connection.
This, too, is a simple, unobtrusive point at the beginning of the study. URL is Web Development , If number one is bedridden, Server Respond will not exist without client request. Tip # 2: The Irish Dance is the Biggest Sleeping Idea.
Because of Pull Technology’s simplicity, writing web apps is a unique, full-duplex feature. It’s easier than ever to create network apps that allow both client-server communications to start. But with the occasional so-called Real-Time App? Pull technology is limited for apps that require this. That’s it. There are ways to clear, such as Long-Polling, Web Sockets, etc. Chapter 13 HTML5. It will be repeated in the overview.
Stateless Protocol
A stateless protocol is a way in which the client and server do not have to communicate over and over again.
It is a prelude to education. In other words, the Request / Response State is not preserved. Of course. HTTP is a stateless protocol. If the client requests Resource A. The server will prompt for Resource A. Resource B will be requested once upon a time by the client. The server will prompt for Resource B. User-Agent for the first time Resource A. Information such as Accept Encoding has already been provided. There is no guarantee that it will be repeated. The server is involved in the first connection. The information will not be recorded in advance, so when a patient contacts you again, you will be prompted to return the message from start to finish. It just happens.
Use technologies such as cookies and sessions for some states that need to be mined. Yes. This is covered in Chapter 6, PHP Basic. Here, HTTP is natural. It is a Pull Skin Technology and Stateless Nature. Make a special note of it. I want to start.
1.5 – HTTP/2
At the time of writing. The most widely used HTTP method is called HTTP / 1.1. (1997) – 18 years after the standard version. There is no update for the new version. It is a technology that has been used for many years.
HTTP / 1.1, as described above, cache functions; Pull Technology and Stateless. It is a technology that has been created to be systematic and unique with features such as software. Because of the moon, How to communicate for almost any client-server-written software in real time. It’s not a good idea to use HTTP in advance. But there are some vulnerabilities in HTTP / 1.1 – There is water. The main drawback is the client-server communication plan
It’s just a matter of doing one thing after another.
A web app can contain many of the resources used. Pictures May contain icons. It can contain CSS files and JavaScript files. Meaning To preview a web app. If you have more than 50 resources in use, how often will the communication between the client and the server take place? It is made of 50 pieces of water. This is to make it more effective Web browsers are parallel. They use a pre-connection method called connection. In other words, share resources (50) One time connection for pick up Instead of taking one dance after another 50 times,Connection (6) This is a one-stop shop for water. In practice, however, a server is pre-connected Only 6 or 8 units can be owned. For this reason, even a parallel connection Resources are still being pumped one after the other.
HTTP / 2 uses a method called Multiplex to connect to a client server. It is designed to be able to transfer resources in one go. In other words, Resource You don’t have to make 50 connections because you have 50. One connection at a time. You have already provided 50 resources in advance. I can take one. It may be that they are taking one after the other. This is a resource Of course, you do not need to create a new connection whenever you want. This is why HTTP / 2 works It works much faster than HTTP / 1.1.
HTTP / 2 is an add-on to the system. This is Server Push. With a browser Web Clients Cache resources that are once reclaimed by default. Repeatedly used. As mentioned above, HTTP is a pull technology. By default, server data will not be sent without the client requesting it. HTTP / 2 is also a Pull technology based on sleep. Here are some of the servers: Related resources can be pre-pushed into the client cache. For example: Client Suppose you have a file called index.html. In the index.html file style.css and app.js. If the files are pre-connected, then these files are.The client will have to make another request. HTTP / 2. The server automatically waits for such related resources until the client requests it. You can send it. This means that the client does not need to request the file again when the server needs it. It will be sent to you automatically, so it will be ready to use in the cache. This is a request
There will be less downtime and the speed of communication will increase.
Another annoying feature of HTTP / 2 is header compression. Also in HTTP / 1.1. Compression content of HTTP / 1.1 that will include compression functionality. In HTTP / 2, compress not only the content but also the Request / Response header Paying for telecommunications will increase the speed of the connection.
These features will also be included HTTP / 2 is completely backward with HTTP / 1.1 It is compatible. This means HTTP / 2 software intended for HTTP / 1.1. And work There is no need to make any adjustments to get started. Request, which is the default nature of HTTP Methods Response Status Code Stateless nature continues to be used
Software built for HTTP / 1.1 works seamlessly with HTTP / 2. It will work.
(2009) A technology called SPDY that addresses the vulnerabilities of HTTP / 1.1 Google invented it. SPDY includes HTTP / 1.1 Server Push, Header Compression, etc. It is a protocol that provides a set of functions. Not an official standard technology. Most browsers, such as Google Chrome and Firefox, have used SPDY technology before. Facebook, Web apps such as Twitter and Google have also used SPDY technology. In other words, Before the advent of HTTP / 2, similar techniques were introduced. It’s a story.
In early 2012, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) launched HTTP / 2 in advance. It was decided to get SPDY in advance. It was completed in December 2014. 2015 HTTP / 2 Release Candidate. It was a legal victory.
At the time of writing, browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 11, and Opera pre-HTTP / 2. We are just getting started with the HTTP / 2 technology, which is already supported.
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really useful information for beginners
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I wish you a lot of success
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