The main function of a web server is to include a request header as soon as a request is received. The purpose is to send the relevant message back and forth in accordance with the information provided. What a difference. They also send some color information to the client before resubmitting the information. Yes. This is called a Response Header. Let me give you an example of an HTTP Response Header.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:03:18 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) PHP/5.3.1
Last-Modified: Sun, 03 Mar 2013 20:15:33 GMT
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 1448
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
The first line of the Response Header is pre-populated with a code number – 200 OK.
What this means is that an acceptable request should be returned to you as soon as possible. It means ready.
HTTP Status Code Numbers It is divided into five groups, starting with (1xx) Codes. It is dedicated to reporting. Codes starting with (2xx) are Request / Respond. Here are some tips to help you get started: Codes starting with (3xx). This is a code that reports that a URL called Redirect has changed. Code starting with (4xx). These are codes that indicate client errors. In other words, the error was sent by default. It precedes the error message. Codes starting with (5xx) are for server errors. The Web Server may be unable to accept the request promptly for some reason.These are the codes that are displayed when you can not send them back.
HTTP Status Code. Here are some codes:
200 OK – You will be prompted to confirm the confirmation request and send back the requested information. This is a code that describes why.
301 Moved Permanently – Request information is moved from one location to another. Used to describe the sword. With the URL that changes when the client makes a one-time request. It also informs you that you should make a request.
304 Not Modified – The requested information is displayed in the Request Header If-Modified-Since: Note
It is used to indicate that there is no sleep on the built-in subsystem server.
307 Temporary Redirect – The requested information is temporarily moved to another location. Used to describe The reason for the difference with 301 is that it will come back one day. It is important to note that requests can still be processed according to the current URL.
403 Forbidden – The client who receives the request in advance is not the person who has access to the information.
For that Indicates that it will not be returned.
404 Not Found – Displays a mini-message on the requested server.
500 Internal Server Error – A server error with no known cause.
This information indicates that the information could not be returned.
503 Service Unavailable – A temporary server error has occurred and can be restored. Defines a code Usually when there are too many users. Web Server temporarily down. This is a code that is displayed from time to time.
If you would like to learn more about other status codes, please visit Wikipedia. You can find more in the List of HTTP Status Codes Article.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes

The Response Header also contains other information related to the submission information. In the sample Response Header, type the type of server that is causing the recurrence; I will send it back Content size and information type are pre-installed.
The Response Header message sent by the browser to receive the information back in advance.
We will continue to do so as needed. For example, browsers are Web content. It is now readily available and can be stored for later use. Call it caching. Yes It is saved with the Modified Date included in the Response Header sent back
Comparing the Modified Date of Content in the Cache. You can only preview the saved content. Users of this method are said to have taken water for the first time. If a content user wants to retrieve it again, there will be more water.
Browsers may display certain text, HTML, and image content by default, but may display a custom image.
There is also content. For example, a Microsoft Excel file can be displayed in a Web browser it is not. The browser also previews the content-type that appears in the response header. The type of content that can be displayed will be displayed for the user to see. Content that can be displayed If it is a category, you may want to download it for user access.
With the exception of these Request / Response Header messages, the client and the server communicate.
They are able to understand and communicate with each other. This is how HTTP communicates. Here are some steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation. The information to be included is pre-determined Web It is just a standard.
I appreciate your sharing.
Thanks for letting me know what I don’t know yet.
Thanks for sharing knowledge
When I see an add named Apache pops up ,I thought it was the trademark of Cement🤣🤣🤣🐬🐬
haha.. 😛